Saturday, April 30, 2011

Function of Centre For Human Right And Justic at Mavalanker Hall New Delhi on 29.04.2011

ekuokf/kdkj dk mYya?ku vkijkf/kd U;k; ç.kkyh dk nq#i;ksx

29@4@2011 ubZ fnYyhA ns'k esas gks jgs ekuokf/kdkjksa ds mYya?ku ,oa vkijkf/kd U;k; ç.kkyh ds nq#i;ksx ij ekoyadj lHkkxkj ubZ fnYyh esa lEesyu vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA lsUVj QkWj g~;weu jkbV~l ,.M tfLVl ds rRok/kku esa lEié bl lEesyu esa oDrk ds :i iwoZ dsUæh; ea=h Jh lqczge.;e Lokeh] lk/oh mek Hkkjrh th] iwoZ dsUæh; ea=h ,o jk- eq- eap ls Jh vkfjQ csx th rFkk dk;ZØe ds v/;{k iwoZ dsUæh; ea=h Jh txnhi /kudj th mifLFkr FksA jk"Vªh; eqfLye eap ls vkeaf=r Jh vkfjQ csx us dsUæ esa lÙkk/kkjh ny }kjk eqLyekuksa dks fgUnqvksa ls vyx j[kus rFkk vius oksV cSad ds :i esa bLrseky djus dk vkjksi yxk;kA mUgksaus lEesyu esa vk, Jh bUæs'k dqekj th ds muds lkFk e/kqj laca/kksa ds ckjs esa crkrs gq, dgk fd tEew&d'ehj esa cxSj lqj{kk ds eqlyekuksa ds ?kjksa esa tkdj mUgsa jk"Vª ds lkFk tksM+us dk dk;Z dsoy baæs'k th gh dj ldrs gSaA iwoZ dsUæh; ea=h rFkk e/;çns'k dh iwoZ eq[;ea=h lk/oh mekHkkjrh viuh vktLoh esa dgk fd Hkkjr foHkktu ds le; eqlyekuksa us Hkkjr esa vius vkidks ikfdLrku ls T;knk lqjf{kr eglwl fd;kA ;g lqj{kk dk Hkko mUgsa iqfyl] QkSt] dkaxzsl ikVhZ o usg: xka/kh ds dkj.k ugha feyk vfirq mUgsa fgUnqvksa ij iw.kZ fo'okl Fkk fd os muds chp lqjf{kr jgsaxsA Li"V gS fgUnqvksa ls chp jguk lcls lqjf{kr gS D;ksafd fgUnqRo esa lHkh ds çfr d#.kk o n;k dk Hkko gS pkgs og euq"; gks ;k i'kq i{khA lh-ch-vkbZ-] ,u-vkbZ-,] o ,-Vh-,l- fo'o'kuh;rk ij cksyus gq, mek Hkkjrh us dgk budh fo'oluh;rk ij loky jk-Lo-la?k us ugha yxk;k vfirq bu laLFkkvksa ds dk;ksZa ds mtkxj gksus ij ns'k ds çcq) yksxksa us yxk, gSaA mUgksaus dlkc vkSj lk/oh çKk flag ds lanHkZ esa ljdkj ij nksgjs ekinaM viukus dk vkjksi Hkh ykxkrs gq, dgk ,d vksj lSdM+ksa yksxksa dh gR;k esa 'kkfey fons'kh vkradoknh dlkc dks lkjh lqfo/kk,a fey jgh gSa ogha lk/oh çKk dks 'kq) is;ty o fpfdR;k lqfo/kk Hkh miyC/k ugha djokbZ tk jghA fØfeuy flLVe ds nq#i;ksx ij cksyrs gq, Jh lqczg~e.;e Lokeh us crk;k vkbZ-Vh- ds {ks= esa Hkkjr ds fodkl djus ds ckn ls fons'kh 'kfä;ksa dk ;g ç;kl rst gks x;k gS fd ns'k esa foHkktu fdl çdkj gksA blds fy, Hkkjrh;ksa esa Hksn Hkko ds cht cks, tk jgs gSaA oSKkfud 'kks/k esa fl) gks x;k gS fd lHkh Hkkjrh;ksa ds Mh-,u-,- ,d gh gS rks vk;Z ckgj ls vk, dSls gks ldrs gSa blh Hksn Hkko ds dkj.k Mh,eds tSlk ny cu x;k gS tks mÙkj Hkkjrh; ls æfoM+ksa dks vyx ekurk gSA if'peh bfrgkldkjksa us  ljLorh unh] }kjdk ds vfLrRo dks udkj fn;k Fkk tcfd vk/kqfud fjeksV lsaflax rduhd rFkk HkwxfHkZd v/;;u esa budk vfLrRo ç gqvk gSA jkelsrq dks ,sMe fczt dk uke ns fn;k x;k Fkk dqN /keZfujis{k usrkvksa us rks Hkxoku jke dks Hkh dkYifud pfj= gh dg fn;k FkkA rFkk jkelsrq dks cpkus ds fy, muds dsl Mkyus ls igys gh gkyS.M dh ,d vR;k/kqfud daiuh dks jkelsrq dks dkVdj ugj cukus dk dk;Z ns fn;k x;kA ysfdu daiuh dh e'khus ml lsrq dks dkV ugh ldha vkSj VwV xbZA blds ihNs Hkxoku jke dh 'kfDr gh FkhA mUgksaus ç/kkuea=h eueksgu flag ij dVk{k djrs gq, dgk mUgksaus ç/kkuea=h in dh xfjek dks uqdlku igqapk;k gS vkt vék gtkjs th dks Hkz"Vkpkj ds f[kykQ yksdiky fcy ds fy, fpëh lksfu;k xka/kh ds ikl Hkstuh iM+rh gS D;ksafd mUgsa irk gS og bl ij fu.kZ; ugha ysaxsA fLFkfr ,slh cu xbZ gS ç/kkuea=h ds vf/kdkjksa dk guu gks jgk gS bl ij iwjk lHkkx`g Bgkdksa ls xwat x;kA mUgksus crk;k fd Vw th LiSDVªe ekeys esa vHkh cM+s uke vkus ckdh gSA ,d dkaxzslh egklfpo dk uke u crkrs gq, mUgksaus dgk fd mlds c;ku dkaxzsl dh v/;{k dh lgefr ds fcuk ugha vk ldrs os lksph le>h j.kuhfr ds lkFk eqlyekuksa dks jk-Lo-la?k ,oa vU; fgUnw laxBuksa dk Hk; fn[kk dj fgUnqvksa ls vyx dj oksV cSad ds :i esa bLrseky djuk pkgrs gSaA vlhekuUn th us Li"V dj fn;k gS fd Jh bUæs'k th ds ckjs esa muls tcjnLrh ,o ncko eas c;ku fy;k x;k FkkA rFkk bl c;ku dk ehfM;k esa yhd gksuk tkap ,tsafl;ksa o ljdkj dh ea'kk tkfgj djrk gSA Jh Lokeh us eqLyekuksa ds vkj{k.k ds lEcU/k esa dgk dh mUgksaus bl ns'k ij jkt fd;k gS rFkk ftl Hkh leqnk; ;k tkfr us ns'k esa jkt fd;k gks mls vkj{k.k ugha feyuk pkfg,A bl ns'k esa dsoy vuqlwfpr tkfr RkFkk tutkfr dks gh vkj{k.k dh vko'drk gS vU; fdlh dks vkj{k.k ugha feyuk pkfg,A  
lEesyu esa cM+h la[;k esa cM+h la[;k esa cqf)thfo;ksa ds lkFk gh efLye leqnk; dh efgyk,a ,oa iq#"k Hkh mifLFkr FksA
okxh'k bZlj

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

.Sikh. Sangat by Shri Akhand Path Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji In Ayodhya for Shri Ram Janambhumi Establishment.

साध्वी प्रज्ञा!! तुम इसी बर्ताव के लायक हो… Sadhvi Pragya, Malegaon Bomb Blast, Sunil Joshi Murder Case

Tuesday 26 April 2011

साध्वी प्रज्ञा!! तुम इसी बर्ताव के लायक हो… Sadhvi Pragya, Malegaon Bomb Blast, Sunil Joshi Murder Case

मालेगाँव बम ब्लास्ट की प्रमुख आरोपी के रूप में महाराष्ट्र सरकार द्वारा “मकोका” कानून के तहत जेल में निरुद्ध, साध्वी प्रज्ञा को देवास (मप्र) की एक कोर्ट में पेशी के लिये कल मुम्बई पुलिस लेकर आई। साध्वी के चेहरे पर असह्य पीड़ा झलक रही थी, उन्हें रीढ़ की हड्डी में तकलीफ़ की वजह से बिस्तर पर लिटाकर ही ट्रेन से उतारना पड़ा। कल ही उन्हें देवास की स्थानीय अदालत में पेश किया गया, परन्तु खड़े होने अथवा बैठने में असमर्थ होने की वजह से जज को एम्बुलेंस के दरवाजे पर आकर साध्वी प्रज्ञा (Sadhvi Pargya) से बयान लेना पड़ा। यहीं पर डॉक्टरों की एक टीम द्वारा उनकी जाँच की गई और रीढ़ की हड्डी में असहनीय दर्द की वजह से उन्हें अस्पताल में भर्ती करने की सलाह जारी की गई। मुम्बई में मकोका कोर्ट ने प्रज्ञा के स्वास्थ्य को देखते हुए उन्हें ट्रेन में AC से ले जाने की अनुमति दी थी, बावजूद इसके महाराष्ट्र पुलिस उन्हें स्लीपर में लेकर आई। (Harsh Treatment to Sadhvi Pragya)

इससे पहले भी कई बार विभिन्न अखबारी रिपोर्टों में साध्वी प्रज्ञा को पुलिस अभिरक्षा में प्रताड़ना, मारपीट एवं धर्म भ्रष्ट करने हेतु जबरन अण्डा खिलाने जैसे अमानवीय कृत्यों की खबरें आती रही हैं।

साध्वी प्रज्ञा से सिर्फ़ इतना ही कहना चाहूँगा कि एक “धर्मनिरपेक्ष”(?) देश में आप इसी सलूक के लायक हैं, क्योंकि हमारा देश एक “सेकुलर राष्ट्र” कहलाता है। साध्वी जी, आप पर मालेगाँव बम विस्फ़ोट (Malegaon Blast) का आरोप है…। ब्रेन मैपिंग, नार्को टेस्ट सहित कई तरीके आजमाने के बावजूद, बम विस्फ़ोट में उनकी मोटरसाइकिल का उपयोग होने के अलावा अभी तक पुलिस को कोई बड़ा सबूत हाथ नहीं लगा है, इसके बावजूद तुम पर “मकोका” लगाकर जेल में ठूंस रखा है और एक महिला होने पर भी आप जिस तरह खून के आँसू रो रही हैं… यह तो होना ही था। ऐसा क्यों? तो लीजिये पढ़ लीजिये –

1) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम संसद पर हमला करने वाली अफ़ज़ल गुरु (Afzal Guru) नहीं हो कि तुम्हें VIP की तरह “ट्रीटमेण्ट” दिया जाए, तुम्हें सुबह के अखबार पढ़ने को दिये जाएं, नियमित डॉक्टरी जाँच करवाई जाए…

2) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम “भारत की इज्जत लूटने वाले” अजमल कसाब की तरह भी नहीं हो कि तुम्हें इत्र-फ़ुलैल दिया जाए, स्पेशल सेल में रखा जाए, अण्डा-चिकन जैसे पकवान खिलाए जाएं… तुम पर करोड़ों रुपये खर्च किये जाएं…

3) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम बिनायक सेन (Binayak Sen) भी तो नहीं हो, कि तुम्हारे लिये वामपंथी, सेकुलर और “दानवाधिकारवादी” सभी एक सुर में “रुदालियाँ” गाएं…। न ही अभी तुम्हारी इतनी औकात है कि तुम्हारी खातिर, अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर “चर्च की साँठगाँठ से कोई मैगसेसे या नोबल पुरस्कार” की जुगाड़ लगाई जा सके…

4) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम्हें तो शायद हमारे “सेकुलर” देश में महिला भी नहीं माना जाता, क्योंकि यदि ऐसा होता तो जो “महिला आयोग”(?) राखी सावन्त/मीका चुम्बन जैसे निहायत घटिया और निजी मामले में दखल दे सकता है… वह तुम्हारी हालत देखकर पसीजता…

5) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम तो “सो कॉल्ड” हिन्दू वीरांगना भी नहीं हो, क्योंकि भले ही तुम्हारा बचाव करते न सही, लेकिन कम से कम मानवीय, उचित एवं सदव्यवहार की माँग करते भी, किसी “ड्राइंगरूमी” भाजपाई या हिन्दू नेता को न ही सुना, न ही देखा…

6) और हाँ, साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम तो कनिमोझी (Kanimojhi) जैसी “समझदार” भी नहीं हो, वरना देश के करोड़ों रुपये लूटकर भी तुम कैमरों पर बेशर्मों की तरह मुस्करा सकती थीं, सेकुलर महिला शक्ति तुम पर नाज़ करती… करोड़ों रुपयों में तुम्हारा बुढ़ापा भी आसानी से कट जाता… लेकिन अफ़सोस तुम्हें यह भी करना नहीं आया…

7) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम्हारे साथ दिक्कत ये भी है कि तुम अरुंधती रॉय (Arundhati Roy’s Anti-National Remarks) जैसी महिला भी नहीं हो, जो सरेआम भारत देश, भारतवासियों, भारत की सेना सहित सभी को गरियाने के बावजूद “फ़ाइव स्टार होटलों” में प्रेस कांफ़्रेंस लेती रहे…

8) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम तो पूनम पाण्डे जैसी छिछोरी भी नहीं हो, कि दुनिया के सबसे बड़े लोकतन्त्र के “परिपक्व मीडिया”(?) की निगाह तुम पर पड़े, और वह तुम्हें कवरेज दे…

कहने का मतलब ये है साध्वी प्रज्ञा… कि तुम में बहुत सारे दोष हैं, जैसे कि तुम “हिन्दू” हो, तुम “भगवा” पहनती हो, तुम कांग्रेसियों-वामपंथियों-सेकुलरों के मुँह पर उन्हें सरेआम लताड़ती हो, तुम फ़र्जी मानवाधिकारवादी भी नहीं हो, तुम विदेशी चन्दे से चलने वाले NGO की मालकिन भी नहीं हो… बताओ ऐसा कैसे चलेगा?

सोचो साध्वी प्रज्ञा, जरा सोचो… यदि तुम कांग्रेस का साथ देतीं तो तुम्हें भी ईनाम में अंबिका सोनी या जयन्ती नटराजन की तरह मंत्रीपद मिल जाता…, यदि तुम वामपंथियों की तरफ़ “सॉफ़्ट कॉर्नर” रखतीं, तो तुम भी सूफ़िया मदनी (अब्दुल नासेर मदनी की बीबी) की तरह आराम से घूम-फ़िर सकती थीं, NIA द्वारा बंगलोर बस बम विस्फ़ोट की जाँच किये जाने के बावजूद पुलिस को धमका सकती थीं… यानी तुम्हें एक “विशेषाधिकार” मिल जाता। बस तुम्हें इतना ही करना था कि जैसे भी हो "सेकुलरिज़्म की चैम्पियन" बन जातीं, बस… फ़िर तुम्हारे आगे महिला आयोग, मानवाधिकार आयोग, सब कदमों में होते। महिलाओं के दुखों और पीड़ा को महसूस करने वाली तीस्ता जावेद सीतलवाड, शबाना आज़मी, मल्लिका साराभाई सभी तुमसे मिलने आतीं… तुम्हें जेल में खीर-मलाई आदि सब कुछ मिलता…।

लेकिन अब कुछ नहीं किया जा सकता… जन्म ने तुम्हें “हिन्दू” बना दिया और महान सेकुलरिज़्म ने उसी शब्द के आगे “आतंकवादी” और जोड़ दिया…। साध्वी प्रज्ञा, इस “सेकुलर, लोकतांत्रिक, मानवीय और सभ्य” देश में तुम इसी बर्ताव के लायक हो…

Why IPS Bhatt hates Narendra Modi--,IPS officer who testified against Modi accused of criminal conspiracies

Why IPS Bhatt hates Narendra Modi
April 27, 2011
Navin Upadhyay | New Delhi
Controversial Gujarat IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt, who created a ripple by submitting to the Supreme Court an affidavit saying that Chief Minister Narendra Modi wanted to teach Muslims a lesson, has a shady past. Apart from being indicted by the National Human Rights Commission for planting narcotics in a hotel room to implicate and arrest an advocate of Rajasthan in a drug peddling case, the officer is also an accused in a major recruitment scam that hit Gujarat in 1996.

Documents with The Pioneer show that Bhatt was charge-sheeted on December 12 last year in course of a departmental inquiry into police recruitment in Gujarat in May 1996. Bhatt was chairman of the recruitment process as Superintendent of Police of Banskantha. Sources said Bhatt has not yet submitted his defence.

Bhatt was directed by the Government on August 31 last year to report to Principal, SRP Training College, Junagadh in DIG grade. But so far he has not resumed his duties despite repeated instructions by his superiors. Bhatt applied for leave claiming his mother was ill. The Gujarat DGP has asked a senior officer to look into the whole episode regarding Bhatt not joining the service.

Through a "Confidential" Memorandum number ENQ/2520101931/G, the Home department of Gujarat served a show-cause notice on Bhatt on December 29, 2010 to hold an inquiry into the role in the recruitment scam.

"The State Government proposes to hold an enquiry against Shri Sanjiv Bhatt, IPS (GJ.1988) under Rule 8 of All India Services (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1969. The substance of the imputations of misconduct in respect of which the inquiry is proposed to be held is set out in the enclosed statement of articles of charge. A statement of imputations of misconduct in support of each article of charge is enclosed," the memo said.

Through the memo, the Government directed Bhatt to submit a written statement in his defence within 30 days. He was also told that if he did not respond within the time or refused to appear before the inquiry, the inquiry will proceed ex-parte.

Thereafter, Bhatt was served the charges. The statement of imputation signed by Rajnikant Sawara, Section Officer, Home Department, said,."…Sanjiv Bhatt, IPS (G.L1988) while serving as Superintendent of Po1ice, Banaskantha District during 13.10.1995 to 18.06.1996, committed the following acts of omission and commission during recruitment of constables in the year 1996."

The charge-sheet against Bhatt stated that he did not maintain a recruitment register to ensure that photograph of all successful candidates who appeared in the examination of Police Constables along with their thumb impression were preserved. This should have been done as per the order of the DGP. "As chairman of the recruitment committee, Banaskanhta District, Sanjiv Bhatt is responsible for such a major lacuna and thereby he failed to maintain effective supervision on the recruitment process," the charge-sheet said.

Bhatt also ignored a directive of the DGP to make recruitment of armed and unarmed police constables separately. However, Bhatt went for a combined recruitment of armed police constables and unarmed police constables "and thereby violated the instruction given by Director General and Inspector General of Police vide letter dated 24.6.94."

Due to this lack of supervision on the part of Bhatt, several candidates (No. 0925, 1209, 1260, 1261, 1594, 1611, 1693, 18G4, 3151, 3355, 3358, 4071; 4397, 4948, 4973, 5062, 5151, 8174) who failed in physical fitness test earlier managed to appear in the second stage of physical fitness test .

Bhatt also did not issue duty allocation orders to his subordinate police officers and civilian staff during recruitment process of police constables.

The selection committee, Banaskantha, specified the marks to be given for achieving different standards of various physical tests for the recruitment of police constables. "It is necessary to mention time, distance and marks given to each candidate in each event of physical tests separately in long jump, high jump, running, etc. During recruitment in the year 1996 in Banaskantha district no such procedure was followed and remarks like 'Pass' or 'Fail' were made on interview call letter. As a chairman of recruitment committee and head of office of the Superintendent of Police, Sanjiv Bhatt is responsible for such a major lacuna and thereby he failed to maintain effective supervision," the charge-sheet said.

Bhatt bifurcated the selected candidates into graduate and undergraduate sections and allocated them in the unarmed and armed cadre respectively, ignoring merit number obtained by the candidates. In doing so, Bhatt ignored merit of candidates in violation of natural justice.

"In all these irregularities, the act of Sanjiv Bhatt shows misuse of power, carelessness and apathy towards his duty. The conduct of Bhatt amounts to violation of Rule 3(1) of All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968," the chargesheet said.
Source Link
IPS officer who testified against Modi accused of criminal conspiracies
Bhanu Pratap Singh, TNN | Apr 26, 2011
JAIPUR: Gujarat IPS officer Sanjeev Bhatt, who has testified in the Supreme Court against chief minister Narendra Modi in 2002 communal riots case, has been accused by the lawyers' community in Rajasthan of falsely implicating their colleague in a narcotics case in 1996.

Bhatt was chargesheeted by the Rajasthan police's crime branch before a trial court at Jodhpur on April 13, 2000. The IPS officer's appeal against the charges is pending before the Supreme Court, while the National Human Rights Commission found him guilty and ordered a compensation of Rs 1 lakh for the victim lawyer, Sumer Singh Rajpurohit. The compensation was paid to Pali-based Rajpurohit by the Gujarat government on January 25 this year.

"The IPS officer who is projecting himself as national hero (by deposing against Modi) these days is actually a key conspirator in several criminal cases, including the one against our colleague Rajpurohit," former Pali MP and member of the Pali Bar Association, Pushp Kumar Jain alleged here on Tuesday.

Speaking on behalf of the Bar association, Jain said that a former judge RR Jain was demoted by the Gujarat high court and later suspended. "Jain and Bhatt are friends and the duo jointly conspired against Rajpurohit," alleged the former MP.

According to Jain and other members of the Pali Bar association, Rajpurohit was a tenant of the then Gujarat high court judge Jain's sister Amribai, who owned a shop in Pali's Vardhman Market. "To get this shop vacated, the judge, his uncle Phootarmal and the IPS officer kidnapped and implicated Rajpurohit in April 1996," said Pushp Kumar Jain.

The former Pali MP, who belongs to the BJP, hit out at union home minister P Chidambaram too for praising Bhatt. "Chidambaram is well aware of this case, as he was counsel for the suspended judge Jain in the Supreme Court. The union home minister should step down for praising a criminal conspirator who facing several charges even Gujarat," Pushp Kumar Jain alleged.
Source Link

Why IPS Bhatt hates Narendra Modi
April 27, 2011
Navin Upadhyay | New Delhi
Controversial Gujarat IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt, who created a ripple by submitting to the Supreme Court an affidavit saying that Chief Minister Narendra Modi wanted to teach Muslims a lesson, has a shady past. Apart from being indicted by the National Human Rights Commission for planting narcotics in a hotel room to implicate and arrest an advocate of Rajasthan in a drug peddling case, the officer is also an accused in a major recruitment scam that hit Gujarat in 1996.

Documents with The Pioneer show that Bhatt was charge-sheeted on December 12 last year in course of a departmental inquiry into police recruitment in Gujarat in May 1996. Bhatt was chairman of the recruitment process as Superintendent of Police of Banskantha. Sources said Bhatt has not yet submitted his defence.

Bhatt was directed by the Government on August 31 last year to report to Principal, SRP Training College, Junagadh in DIG grade. But so far he has not resumed his duties despite repeated instructions by his superiors. Bhatt applied for leave claiming his mother was ill. The Gujarat DGP has asked a senior officer to look into the whole episode regarding Bhatt not joining the service.

Through a "Confidential" Memorandum number ENQ/2520101931/G, the Home department of Gujarat served a show-cause notice on Bhatt on December 29, 2010 to hold an inquiry into the role in the recruitment scam.

"The State Government proposes to hold an enquiry against Shri Sanjiv Bhatt, IPS (GJ.1988) under Rule 8 of All India Services (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1969. The substance of the imputations of misconduct in respect of which the inquiry is proposed to be held is set out in the enclosed statement of articles of charge. A statement of imputations of misconduct in support of each article of charge is enclosed," the memo said.

Through the memo, the Government directed Bhatt to submit a written statement in his defence within 30 days. He was also told that if he did not respond within the time or refused to appear before the inquiry, the inquiry will proceed ex-parte.

Thereafter, Bhatt was served the charges. The statement of imputation signed by Rajnikant Sawara, Section Officer, Home Department, said,."…Sanjiv Bhatt, IPS (G.L1988) while serving as Superintendent of Po1ice, Banaskantha District during 13.10.1995 to 18.06.1996, committed the following acts of omission and commission during recruitment of constables in the year 1996."

The charge-sheet against Bhatt stated that he did not maintain a recruitment register to ensure that photograph of all successful candidates who appeared in the examination of Police Constables along with their thumb impression were preserved. This should have been done as per the order of the DGP. "As chairman of the recruitment committee, Banaskanhta District, Sanjiv Bhatt is responsible for such a major lacuna and thereby he failed to maintain effective supervision on the recruitment process," the charge-sheet said.

Bhatt also ignored a directive of the DGP to make recruitment of armed and unarmed police constables separately. However, Bhatt went for a combined recruitment of armed police constables and unarmed police constables "and thereby violated the instruction given by Director General and Inspector General of Police vide letter dated 24.6.94."

Due to this lack of supervision on the part of Bhatt, several candidates (No. 0925, 1209, 1260, 1261, 1594, 1611, 1693, 18G4, 3151, 3355, 3358, 4071; 4397, 4948, 4973, 5062, 5151, 8174) who failed in physical fitness test earlier managed to appear in the second stage of physical fitness test .

Bhatt also did not issue duty allocation orders to his subordinate police officers and civilian staff during recruitment process of police constables.

The selection committee, Banaskantha, specified the marks to be given for achieving different standards of various physical tests for the recruitment of police constables. "It is necessary to mention time, distance and marks given to each candidate in each event of physical tests separately in long jump, high jump, running, etc. During recruitment in the year 1996 in Banaskantha district no such procedure was followed and remarks like 'Pass' or 'Fail' were made on interview call letter. As a chairman of recruitment committee and head of office of the Superintendent of Police, Sanjiv Bhatt is responsible for such a major lacuna and thereby he failed to maintain effective supervision," the charge-sheet said.

Bhatt bifurcated the selected candidates into graduate and undergraduate sections and allocated them in the unarmed and armed cadre respectively, ignoring merit number obtained by the candidates. In doing so, Bhatt ignored merit of candidates in violation of natural justice.

"In all these irregularities, the act of Sanjiv Bhatt shows misuse of power, carelessness and apathy towards his duty. The conduct of Bhatt amounts to violation of Rule 3(1) of All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968," the chargesheet said.
Source Link
IPS officer who testified against Modi accused of criminal conspiracies
Bhanu Pratap Singh, TNN | Apr 26, 2011
JAIPUR: Gujarat IPS officer Sanjeev Bhatt, who has testified in the Supreme Court against chief minister Narendra Modi in 2002 communal riots case, has been accused by the lawyers' community in Rajasthan of falsely implicating their colleague in a narcotics case in 1996.

Bhatt was chargesheeted by the Rajasthan police's crime branch before a trial court at Jodhpur on April 13, 2000. The IPS officer's appeal against the charges is pending before the Supreme Court, while the National Human Rights Commission found him guilty and ordered a compensation of Rs 1 lakh for the victim lawyer, Sumer Singh Rajpurohit. The compensation was paid to Pali-based Rajpurohit by the Gujarat government on January 25 this year.

"The IPS officer who is projecting himself as national hero (by deposing against Modi) these days is actually a key conspirator in several criminal cases, including the one against our colleague Rajpurohit," former Pali MP and member of the Pali Bar Association, Pushp Kumar Jain alleged here on Tuesday.

Speaking on behalf of the Bar association, Jain said that a former judge RR Jain was demoted by the Gujarat high court and later suspended. "Jain and Bhatt are friends and the duo jointly conspired against Rajpurohit," alleged the former MP.

According to Jain and other members of the Pali Bar association, Rajpurohit was a tenant of the then Gujarat high court judge Jain's sister Amribai, who owned a shop in Pali's Vardhman Market. "To get this shop vacated, the judge, his uncle Phootarmal and the IPS officer kidnapped and implicated Rajpurohit in April 1996," said Pushp Kumar Jain.

The former Pali MP, who belongs to the BJP, hit out at union home minister P Chidambaram too for praising Bhatt. "Chidambaram is well aware of this case, as he was counsel for the suspended judge Jain in the Supreme Court. The union home minister should step down for praising a criminal conspirator who facing several charges even Gujarat," Pushp Kumar Jain alleged.
Source Link

Sunday, April 24, 2011



Subject: HOMAGE to Revered Sri SATYA SAI BABA
The news of most revered Sri Satya Sai Baba attaining Moksha has been received by
millions of his devotees and lovers of our Dharma with profound grief and a sense of personal
loss. Revered Sri Sai Baba had, in his long spiritual journey of more than 7 decades, rekindled the
spirit of eternal human values of Hindu dharma in millions and millions of people all across the
world and inspired them to tread the path of righteousness. Today the light spiritual ignited by
his revered self pervades allover the world through his devotees who, cutting across
geographical, religious and social boundaries, carry his sacred message in more than 135
Revered Baba had done yeoman service in the field of education, healthcare and socioeconomic
development of the poor and underprivileged people. He encouraged his disciples to
open thousands of schools through which eternal Hindu sanskaras are being imparted to millions
of children besides quality education. He brought waters to scorched lands of several districts
and supplemented Government efforts in providing drinking waters to millions of people in
Andhra Pradesh. Healthcare initiatives of Revered Baba have provided succour to millions across
the globe.
Revered Baba had a special affection for the cause of Hindu unity and reform and always
showered his choicest blessings on the activists of the RSS and VHP engaged in that mission. In
an intuitive gesture revered Baba sent word to the RSS leaders to visit him on March 18, 2011.
About 60 senior functionaries of the Sangh visited Puttaparti and received Baba's blessings.
Revered Baba had ended his Leela in this Loka and attained Moksha. His spirit and
message remain pervading this world eternally. I am sure millions of his devotees would
continue to tread the path of Dharma prescribed by him.
On behalf of the RSS I pay my most respectful homage to the cherished memory of the
great soul.
Mohan Bhagwat

 Suresh (Bhayyaji) Joshi

Friday, April 8, 2011


इन्द्रप्रस्थ विश्व संवाद केन्द्र
नई दिल्ली

दिनांक : ८/४/२०११

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

भ्रष्टाचार के विरुद्ध अण्णासाहेब हजारे द्वारा गत तीन दिनों से चले आ रहे आमरण अनन का राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ पूर्ण समर्थन करता है।
इसी संदर्भ में राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के सरकार्यवाह मा० सुरे (भय्या) जोशी द्वारा लिखित एक पत्र राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक के प्रमुख अधिकारियों ने आज जन्तर मन्तर नई दिल्ली अनन स्थल पर जा कर अण्णासाहेब हजारे को दिया। प्रमुख अधिकारियों में श्री मधुभाई कुलकर्णी, श्री बजरंग लाल जी, श्री राम माधव जी (सदस्य राष्ट्रीय कार्यकारी राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ ) डा० श्याम सुन्दर जी, श्री ओम प्रका जी एवं श्री अनिल कान्त जी उपस्थित रहे।

                                         Madhu Bhai, Bajrang Lal ji, Ram Madhav ji Shyam Sunder ji
                                      Madhu Bhai giving letter of Bhayya ji Joshi to Anna Hazare
वागी ईसर
इन्द्रप्रस्थ वि
श्व संवाद केन्द्र
नई दिल्ली