Meeting of All India Executive Council of RSS Akhil Bharateeya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM) will be held for the first time in Chennai on Nov.2,3 and 4, 2012 at Sushil Hari International Residential School, Kelambakkam. In the esteemed presence of Sarsanghachalak Shri Mohanji Bhagwat, Sarkaryavah (general secretary) of RSS Shri Bhayyaji Joshi will preside over this meeting of ABKM. The Sanghachalak (President), Karyavah (Secretary) and Pracharak (Organizing secretary) heading each Prant (state units) of RSS from all over India will take part in this ABKM that meets twice every year. Other than these state functionaries, the 400 participants will include prominent karyakartas from social organizations working in different walks of life in the society. The meeting will deliberate on reviewing and future planning of organizational matters and activities and some resolutions on key national issues will be passed in the meeting.