Hkkjrh; etnwj la?k
Dattopant Thengadi Bhawan, 27 Dindayal Upadhyaya Marg, New Delhi-110 002
Tel. : 011-23222654; Fax : 91-11-23212648; E-mail : bmsdtb@gmail.com
Press Release.
Sudden Price Hike On Petrol Condemned by BMS
New Delhi: May 24: The abnormal price hike on petrol around Rs. 7.50 per litre from the midnight on 23rd May 2012 has strongly effected common people.
Shri B.N. Rai, General Secretary, Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) said in a press release that this is the direct effect of devaluation of Indian money in the market for which the Central Government is alone responsible.
This UPA Govt. has no care for people of India. They are taking unilateral and whimsical decision against the citizens of our country.
BMS strongly condemn the such action of UPA Govt. It is surprising that other political parties of the UPA are also criticizing the policies of the Govt. but they are not taking any effective action.
Therefore BMS call upon the people of India to lodge strong protest by different democratic agitional programmes.
Considering the gravity of the situation all Central Trade Union Organisations are going to meet on 26th May 2012 for finalising nation wide democratic agitation programme.
Vagish Issar (Ivsk Delhi) 09810068474
(sarve bhavantu sukhinah, sarve santu niramaya;
sarve bhadrani pashyantu, ma kashchit dukkh bhagbhavet}
sarve bhadrani pashyantu, ma kashchit dukkh bhagbhavet}
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